C++: Thread-safe std::map with the speed of lock-free map


Examples of use and testing of a thread-safe pointer and contention-free shared-mutex. 

In this article we will show additional optimizations, examples of use and testing of a thread-safe pointer developed by us with an optimized shared mutex contfree_safe_ptr<T> - this is equivalent to safe_ptr<T, contention_free_shared_mutex<>>

In the end, we will show the comparative graphs of our thread-safe-pointer tests and some of the best lock-free algorithms from libCDS on Intel Core i5 / i7, Xeon, 2 x Xeon processors.
You can find libCDS by the link: https://github.com/khizmax/libcds

In all benchmarks in this article used this commit of libCDS  https://github.com/khizmax/libcds/tree/5e2a9854b0a8625183818eb8ad91e5511fed5898

  3. Thread-safe std::map with the speed of lock-free map - this article


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