
Showing posts from January 4, 2021

Scaled YOLO v4 (CVPR2021): Absolute Top-1 neural network for object detection on MS COCO dataset

Scaled YOLO v4 is the best neural network for object detection on MS COCO dataset Scaled YOLO v4 (CVPR2021) outperforms neural networks in accuracy: Google EfficientDet D7x / DetectoRS or SpineNet-190(self-trained on extra-data) Amazon Cascade-RCNN ResNest200 Microsoft RepPoints v2 Facebook RetinaNet SpineNet-190 And many others… Scaled YOLOv4 is more accurate and faster than neural networks: Google EfficientDet D0-D7x Google SpineNet S49s — S143 Baidu Paddle-Paddle PP YOLO And many others… Scaled YOLO v4 is a series of neural networks built on top of the improved and scaled YOLOv4 network. Our neural network was trained from scratch without using pre-trained weights (Imagenet or any other).  The YOLOv4-tiny neural network speed reaches 1774 FPS on a gaming graphics card GPU RTX 2080Ti when using TensorRT + tkDNN (batch = 4, FP16) Read full article : Read CVPR 2021 paper :